Friday, 1 June 2007

What is the church?

Some people think church is like a shellsuit; utterly unfashionable, completely outdated and you wouldn’t be seen dead in one. For other’s going to church is like visiting the dentists; You don’t go very often but when you it’s always painful, you’re made to feel guilty, and you leave thinking you should try harder.

But last week I saw something and I thought “That’s what the church is really like!”.

I saw a sculpture made of thousands of lost and broken objects that nobody had any use for: earrings, hairclips, zips, nails, paperclips, and many more. The artist had painstakingly searched high street pavements collecting them and had carefully threaded them together so they made a huge and beautiful piece of art. It was something completely new and exciting, made out of things fit for the rubbish dump.

That’s what the Bible says the church is really like: A huge group of people from all sorts of backgrounds and who were all lost and broken by sin, but who have been sought and saved by Jesus Christ. Jesus is now carefully at work in their lives, transforming them and building them together to make something glorious. In reality the church is never outdated, it is never about trying harded, it is something completely new and exciting made out of people fit for the rubbish dump.

Ephesians 5: 25 Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her.

Are you part of the true church: the church that Jesus died for?

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